Wednesday 24 February 2010

22.5 weeks Pregnant!

I finally got around to taking a photo of the bump today! Took them myself, so they are not the best...running for the timer with a bump is tiring!!

Things have been and still are quite busy! I am trying to empty my studio of all the bits and bobs that I have, in preparation for the wee mans arrival. Need to find homes for some paintings!!! The room needs a big clean, new lick of paint, and perhaps the carpet needs a clean too! So much to do so little time.

Anyway, really excited and can't wait to do some shopping and sort out everything for the wee man. I have bought him two new baby grows, as I just couldn't resist and thought he deserves something new seeing as tho almost everything will be a handme down! :)

Wednesday 17 February 2010


How far along? 21 weeks 3 days

Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, must be 2 kgs or more

Maternity clothes? Yes!

Stretch marks?Nope

Sleep: Not much at all! Ethan hasn't been sleeping too well, so it means the whole house doesn't sleep!

Best moment this week: 21 week scan, most definitely!

Movement: Some, we found out that the placenta is at the front of my belly, hence the 'dull' movements! I saw my belly move for the first time today though!

Food cravings: At the moment, I would kill for some Prawns, Steak, Pizza (AL FORNO'S) and juicy sweet watermelon

Gender: BOY!!!!

Labor Signs: Not yet!

Belly Button in or out? Outie!

What I miss: Sunshine and sleep, and today a bit of nostalgia for Art college

What I am looking forward to: Meeting baby! Oh, and to getting our new car!

Weekly Wisdom: "Remember that life owes you nothing, you owe everything to life!"

Milestones: 21 weeks!

And we are expecting......


We are thrilled to bits that Ethan will be getting a baby brother!

Baby is so cute, so active and already so big!!! His legs and stomach are on the large side, so I will probably have to go back for another scan at some point. It all depends on what my midwife thinks.

The scan was amazing, we had a trainee Dr in the room with the Sonographer, so we had an extra long scan as the Dr had to have a go scanning. I was so thrilled to see baby again!

His profile photo looks so much like Ethan's - there is definitely a similarity!

We have a name and middle name all picked out, I am tempted to say, but I think Sven would kill me! hehe!
Guess you'll all find out when he is born.