Tuesday 12 August 2008

More from the cutest lil' boy ever

Here are a few more pics of the cutest little boy in the whole wide world. We are at home now and are enjoying each others company and getting to know Ethan. He is so good and puts the biggest grin on our faces every time we look at him.

There are a whole bunch more pics over here

Monday 11 August 2008

Delivery from the Stork

Just a quick post really, more to come, but....

Ethan Sven Poppelmann was born in the wee early hours at 00:35 of the morning of 11 August 2008. He weighed in at an impressive 8 pounds (on the nose) and is a picture of chilledness and good health. Mum is fine, but knackered and catching up on many much-needed zzzzz's.

Friday 8 August 2008

40 weeks...due date come and gone!

Our due date has come and gone. No amount of walking, hot chilli massala curries, passion or pineapple seems to help coax this little guy out!

I saw my midwife yesterday and baby has changed position again. He is now in the correct position for birth. Heartbeat still good and strong and all is still on track for a home birth! Which I am thrilled about , as I somehow got my wires crossed (preggo brain will do it) and thought that I couldn't have a home birth after 40 weeks!

If baby does not arrive before Thursday next week, I will more than likely have a membrane sweep done on Thursday 14th. A membrane sweep has halved the rate of induction, which is good. I would rather have a sweep than be induced!

Now baby just needs to come before the 17th - so that his 'great ouma' can meet him before she flies back to Germany!

Monday 4 August 2008

38 Weeks Pregnant

These are the last sets of photos before our little man is born! I have been told that I am huge, but I don't really feel it. The view I have is that my stomach is a basketball from the top!!

We are very excited for the birth, and are still on track for a home birth. Hopefully the little man will be on time, so that we can still have him at home.

Enjoy the photos.