Friday 14 September 2007

9 weeks

This is a pic of the 9 weeks bump!

I have definitely put on some weight, tummy is sicking out, thighs and buttocks are bigger...not to mention the HUGE boobs! I think I already need another maternity bra! hehe!

I hope that there is only one baby inside...since my father is a twin there is a chance that I could carry twins...EEEK!! We'll find out on the 10/10/07 when we have our first 12 week scan.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Morning sickness fun

Well, I am 8 weeks 5 days pregnant and goodness me has morning sickness set in this week! Up until now I was just nauseous throughout the day, now it is nausea through the day accompanied by vomiting! Yay!

I am counting down the weeks, days, hours until our first scan on the 10th October, only then will we see little poppelbaby!!!

Pics to be posted tomorrow.