Tuesday 30 September 2008

Ethan pulling himself up at 7 weeks

For a few days now, Ethan has been trying to pull himself forward into a sitting position!

I managed to get it on film yesterday. I am only holding his hands and then when he pulls I stiffen my grip, Ethan does the rest! Such a strong boy! He only wants to sit these days and doesn't really like being on our chests or in a tight arm hold!

He is growing way to quickly for my liking!

Thursday 18 September 2008

Ethan - the most gorgeous boy in the whole wide world!

Our little man is growing so quickly! His 0 - 3 months clothing is fitting him well and will soon be in his 2 - 4 months clothes.

He is developing well. Even though he was holding his head up right from birth, he is holding it up much longer now and is turning his head from side to side smoothly and consciously!
Ethan started smiling this week, and has the most beautiful wide grin! It melts mummy's heart every time. Ethan has also started making baby sounds/babbling. Especially when in his bouncer or cot bed staring at his mobile.

Here are some photos of Ethan at 5.5weeks!
Our handsome boy!

Sunday 7 September 2008

almost a month

We took the chance of some quiet time to drape ourselves around our boy and take some photos as the wee little family that we have become.

The full set of images is over here

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Ethan - almost 4 weeks

Ethan is the light of my life!! The past few weeks have been amazing!
We have had a few sleepless nights and some trying days, but on the whole we were blessed with a peaceful and gentle child!

Ethan was weighed today and is now 4.66kgs! He is growing so quickly!