Thursday 27 November 2008

Ethie shouting!

Every day Ethie notices a painting on the wall and starts squealing! For a while I have tried to capture it all on film and today, I finally managed to film him!

It's brilliant, I love how he squeals! He also squeals when he sees the giraffe on his mural. It's so cute!

Ethan's photo album

I made some albums with all E's photos on, so family can save them if they want.
Click on image below.

Ethan Sven Poppelmann

Ethan S Poppelmann - NEWBORN

Ethan S Poppelmann - NEWBORN to 3 MONTHS

Clever granny!

Look at this awesome jersey Ethie's clever Granny made. It is the fourth lovely jersey Jacque has made for him, but this one had teddies on it! How clever! I love it!

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Ethan 3 and a bit months

I can't believe that our little man is 3 and a bit months! Where did the time go!?

Ethan is such a joy! He is a real cutie and is coming into his own now! Ethan's little personality is really coming through. He loves to sit and if lo and behold you should lay him down after sitting for a bit, he throws a little tantrum!! He loves to look around at his surroundings, he is interested in everything and will let you know when he has had enough. He has quite a strong character. Ethan is still sitting aided, but sits alone in his bumbo seat (that's how these photos were taken). Ethan is also starting to turn his body when lying down, any day now and he'll roll over unaided!

For me, it feels like he was not a baby for very long. I know that he is still a baby, but he has so much character, he is so communicative, alert and advanced (which is fantastic) that I feel deprived of my little baby!! hehe!

Ethan has brought such joy and love into our lives, we are so very grateful for this precious boy!

**On another note, Ethan will be gaining a cousin in May next year! Very exciting times for Mel and Greig! I have attached their baby blog link on our site.

2009 will be anther fabulous year, with a new baby on it's way and my darling sister and her lovely boyfriend William, getting married! Bring on 2009!