Wednesday 11 February 2009

Ethan 6 months 11 Feb 09

Ethan is now 6 months old! He is such a cutie!

He is eating his solids well, although he is not a big eater he enjoys his meals! I have been weaning him slowly, but now that he is 6 months I will start following the normal route.

Ethan sits by himself now, and he is lifting his bottom to try and get onto his knees! Sometime soon, I am sure that he'll try and crawl.

I think that his bottom front teeth, will be making an appearance sometime before the end of the month!

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Ethan and Amp

Ethie has discovered his daddy's amp!! Thinks it's the best to ever:)

Monday 2 February 2009

Ethan's first real snow!!

We went to bed last night with only a few centimeters of snow on the ground, and woke up this morning to about a foot of snow. It proceeded to snow all day and the snow was about 2 feet deep!!

Stunning to see the world all white. With most of the roads are not drivable, so it was so quiet! Looovvely!