Friday 18 April 2008

Jelly Beans Nursery mural

So, I finally finished painting JB's nursery mural on the 11th April. We love it!!

I wanted to paint something bright and colourful, and it is also our theme (we have linen and a moses basket with jungle/ safari animals on them)

Anyway here are some photos.

Thursday 3 April 2008

IT'S A BOY!!! 22 week scan

We had our scan this morning and as well as all the measuring and checking that baby is well, they told us that we are having a boy...well it was a bit hard to miss!!! heheh!!!

Our little boy seems to be healthy and is weighting about 464grams! Sooo tiny! This scan was the most amazing and fascinating experience!

I had thought all along that we were/ are having a boy so it was nice to have it confirmed. Poor Sven was a little shell shocked at first as he thought we were having a girl! He is thrilled though. We now have a major task to find a boys name that we both like!

Happy days!