Thursday 20 December 2007


Thurs 20/12/07

YAY! We have just come back from a u/s to check viability and I am very pleased to say that the little beans heart was beating away! You could see it so clearly!! Baby measured 9.5mm! Dinky!

Sven and I are thrilled that all is well so far!!! Best xmas present ever!

Sticky baby dust!!!! :O)

Wednesday 12 December 2007

EPU for scan

Wed 12/12/07

This morning I went to the doctor for a follow up appointment from last week due to pain on my right hand side. I was sent to the early pregnancy unit for a scan.

They could see that the baby is in the right place, which
I am relieved about as I was worried that it might be an ectopic pregnancy due to the pain. As I am 5.5weeks they couldn't tell if the heart was beating yet, but the Dr did say that she thinks she saw a flutter but that she can't be certain due to the PC screen resolution. So I have a follow up appointment for a scan next week! :)

This is the scan with the little foetal pole and sac (5.5weeks).

Holding thumbs for next week so that we get to see the heart beating!

Wednesday 5 December 2007


Wed 05/12/07

Had some bleeding this morning, feeling really scared!

Wednesday 28 November 2007



I am pregnant!

After having the miscarriage in October, I am now pregnant again! YAY! I did a test 4 days before I was due as I just knew I was pregnant.

I am very scared, trying not to be too excited in case I loose this baby too. Although I do feel different and believe that all will be ok with this one. The force is strong with this one.

Tuesday 9 October 2007

A&E and bed rest

On Sunday evening Sven and I went to bed really early, I couldn't sleep so I surfed the web in bed and read my book. At around 11:45 I started to get some really bad cramps and took some strong Nurophen, by 12:00am they were getting stronger and more painful, almost like I would imagine contractions feel like. I got up and went to my yoga room (which was to be the baby's room) to try and breath it away, this contraction type pain got stronger, lasting for longer and got more and more intense.

After about an hour of breathing and moaning, I tried to get up to the bathroom and a flood of blood came rushing was like someone had turned a tap on full blast. I kind of collapsed and had to call for Sven as I could not stand.

Sven woke up with a fright and had to carry me to the bathroom, where I proceeded to vomit and bleed heavily. My darling husband made me some sugar water as I was shaking from shock, he got me dressed and drove me to A & E.

Once at A&E we got shown to a little cubicle where I got changed into a gown, they took blood, checked blood pressure and heart rate, asked questions and eventually examined me internally.

The doctor said that there was a massive clot and a lot of blood around my cervix so she couldn't tell if my cervix was open or closed. She later tried to dislodge it herself, but left it as she said it could make me more sick.

They gave me a massive dose of pain relief and put me on a drip, while we waited for my blood work to come back. By this time the cramping was getting more bearable, but still so very painful.

My blood work came back ok, haemoglobin level normal, heart rate and blood pressure fine (so long as I didn't stand up). The doctor gave me two options of staying in over night and maybe having a D&C in the morning or going home and continuing with the managed miscarriage.

Sven and I chatted and we decided to go home, I could always come back if need be. I was given some painkillers and we were told to watch out for dizziness, severe cramping or abdominal pains, and fever. She also said to stay in bed for 2 days.

Once the drip had finished, I was checked over one last time and allowed home.

Sven and I got home around 4:30am, I got changed into fresh PJs and got into bed.

Today is my second day in Bed, the cramps are still around and come every few minutes and last about a minute or more. The pain killers help a little and have allowed me to sleep at night. The bleeding is still heavy, although I haven't passed any clots yet. I still feel weak physically and emotionally but I am feeling better.

If it wasn't for my amazing husband Sven, and the support of my family and a few friends, I would not be able to cope - so thank you.

Sven has truly been amazing, he deserves the husband of the year award!

Sven, thank you. I love you!

Thursday 4 October 2007

A sad day

Yesterday morning I had some bleeding, not a lot but enough to be concerned about. I also had some pain, so decided to phone my midwife who suggested I phone the early pregnancy unit. I was booked in for a scan.

After a 3 hour wait, Sven and I walked into the little room. Because I am 11 weeks 5 days she decided to do a abdominal scan, after a few minutes she said that she was not encouraged by what she saw and needed to do an internal scan.

After what felt like an age, the doctor said that she was still not encouraged, but needed to confirm with a colleague before continuing. Another doctor came in and they discussed their their faces I knew for sure something was terribly wrong.

My baby was measuring 9 weeks and had no heart beat, it died at 9 weeks.

Sven and I are distraught.....I can't begin to describe how I feel, all I can say is that I am numb and terribly, terribly sad. I have always wanted to have a baby and when we fell pregnant, I was just so happy.

I know that everything happens for a reason, and that this soul was not meant to be. So close yet so far.....we were 2 days from 12 weeks. It happens to so many women, and I take comfort in the fact that nature knows just hurts!

Sven and I will go to the hospital this morning (Thursday 4th Oct) to discuss what to do next. I started bleeding a bit more heavily last night, so things are progressing naturally. It is my hope that I can continue in this way.

This is the scan pic of our little one...looks so perfect......

We will try again.

Friday 14 September 2007

9 weeks

This is a pic of the 9 weeks bump!

I have definitely put on some weight, tummy is sicking out, thighs and buttocks are bigger...not to mention the HUGE boobs! I think I already need another maternity bra! hehe!

I hope that there is only one baby inside...since my father is a twin there is a chance that I could carry twins...EEEK!! We'll find out on the 10/10/07 when we have our first 12 week scan.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Morning sickness fun

Well, I am 8 weeks 5 days pregnant and goodness me has morning sickness set in this week! Up until now I was just nauseous throughout the day, now it is nausea through the day accompanied by vomiting! Yay!

I am counting down the weeks, days, hours until our first scan on the 10th October, only then will we see little poppelbaby!!!

Pics to be posted tomorrow.

Saturday 25 August 2007

Daddy to be kissing bump!

I am going to be such a great daddy!

6 weeks

Six weeks on Friday 24 th Aug! Horray!

So far so good, feel ok. Morning sickness only mild the past few days, although I have been very tired! My tummy is definitely sticking out a bit more and I can't seem to pull it in!!

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Before the changes begin - 4.5 weeks

This is my tummy at 4.5 weeks before the changes set in!

Can you believe that there is a little new life growing in there!!!


We found out that we are pregnant on the 10th August 2007, we were unofficially trying (as my husband likes to put it) and were a little shocked that it happened so soon! I am not complaining!! :)

I couldn't believe my eyes and did 4 tests just to prove that I wasn't seeing things!!

We are delighted and hope that everything goes well.