Monday 28 January 2008

12 weeks 4 days!!!

Happy days!! I am 12 weeks 4 days pregnant, we went for our scan today and jelly bean looks great.

We saw the brain, heart, stomach, boths legs and arms etc. The little one wouldn't move so that the sonographer could measure it's neck, the sonographer started bashing my stomach to wake the little one up (cow)! Eventually she got what she wanted after much sighing!!

I then had to go have blood taken, which landed up being a bit of a drama as all my veins kept collapsing (I wouldn't make a very good junkie - but now look like one!!) So they tried both arms, and then tried the right arms for a third time!! Anyways, they got my blood and I had to lie down - was about to faint! Drama Drama!

Anyways, here's Jelly beans 12 week scan! JB measured 6.2cm.

HEART BEAT loud and clear

Thurs 24/01/08

I had the most awesome experience today, I went to my midwife for my first appointment and they offered to listen for the baby's heart beat. I got to hear the beat for the first time!!! It was magical and I felt like crying because I had been worrying about the baby!

It was the most beautiful sound in the world!!! This clip is taken with my mobile just so that you can hear the heart beat. Fast huh! The little bugger kept moving around so it disappears for a bit and then comes back! Cool huh?????

Wednesday 16 January 2008


Wed 16/01/08

I have been bleeding since yesterday and passing clots, today we went for a scan to check the baby out, and all seems to be okay thank goodness.

There is no apparent reason for the bleeding and they have said that they can't say for sure that we wont loose the baby, but for now the baby looks fine. I just have to take it easy.

This is the 10.5 weeks scan.