Saturday 16 January 2010

Bump Quiz

How far along? 17 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, must be 2 kgs or more

Maternity clothes? Yip

Stretch marks?Nope

Sleep: Not much at all!

Best moment this week: Ethan getting better and eating a whole pizza!

Movement: Not that much...

Food cravings: Veggies, fruit and pasta

Gender: Don't know yet!

Labor Signs: Not yet!

Belly Button in or out? Flattie!!!

What I miss: Sleep..but haven't had that for about 2 years...

What I am looking forward to: Meeting Belly Bean

Weekly Wisdom: Things aren't always as bad as they seem!

Milestones: Almost half way!

New Year new bump! 15 weeks pregnant with Belly Bean!

Christmas with Ethan and baby bump

We celebrate Christmas by going to a carol service at the village church with some friends and their daughter. Ethan enjoyed the singing and seeing our neighbours children. Then later with Ethan opened a gift! Christmas morning we woke up early (as is normal with kids) and went downstairs.

Ethan was straight into the gifts and opened them up all by himself. Ethan was so very spoilt by all the family, and some wonderful friends.

We had a lovely Christmas lunch, with my family. Mum and Andy brought over two huge legs of lamb that had been slow cooked, I made tons of veggies, and Sabrina and Will made a dessert! All very yummy and we were stuffed at the end of it all. We all had a great time, and later watched Ethan open more pressies!

Come bed time we were all exhausted, and flopped into bed early!