Thursday 20 December 2007


Thurs 20/12/07

YAY! We have just come back from a u/s to check viability and I am very pleased to say that the little beans heart was beating away! You could see it so clearly!! Baby measured 9.5mm! Dinky!

Sven and I are thrilled that all is well so far!!! Best xmas present ever!

Sticky baby dust!!!! :O)

Wednesday 12 December 2007

EPU for scan

Wed 12/12/07

This morning I went to the doctor for a follow up appointment from last week due to pain on my right hand side. I was sent to the early pregnancy unit for a scan.

They could see that the baby is in the right place, which
I am relieved about as I was worried that it might be an ectopic pregnancy due to the pain. As I am 5.5weeks they couldn't tell if the heart was beating yet, but the Dr did say that she thinks she saw a flutter but that she can't be certain due to the PC screen resolution. So I have a follow up appointment for a scan next week! :)

This is the scan with the little foetal pole and sac (5.5weeks).

Holding thumbs for next week so that we get to see the heart beating!

Wednesday 5 December 2007


Wed 05/12/07

Had some bleeding this morning, feeling really scared!